Crystal (Concentrated Potassium Humate 98%)


Humic Crystal improves crops yield by:-

  • Accelerating Germination.
  • Enhancing Seeding Vigour and Root growth.
  • Improving Uptake and Translocation of Micro and Macro Nutrients.
  • Influencing Enzyme Systems.
  • Inducing Early Maturity.
  • Helping Plants to Resist Draught.
  • Resulting in Higher Yields and Better Quality of Crops.

Crops Suggested : All Field & Horticultural Crops.

Dosage :

  • Seed Treatment: 5-10 gm/kg
  • Seeding/Root Dip: 2 gm/liter
  • Foliar Spray: 1 gm/liter
  • Drip & Sprinkler Irrigation: 1 kg/acre
  • Drenching: 2 gm/liter
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